
Language of Love by Fariba Abedin

“Language of Love” is an installation of four years of continuous work. This installation is a journey through the love letters of the 13thcentury, world-renowned Iranian poet Mawlana Rumi. Rumi has been described as the “Most Popular, and the Best Selling Poet” in the United States. Rumi’s doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity, and awareness through love. His peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to people of all sects and creeds around the world. For Rumi, The truest of love is the love of the divine, and that is the ground as well as the goal of all existence.

In this installation, Rumi’s poems are accompanied by projection of Fariba Abedin’s geometric and calligraphic paintings done in the last four years, along with suspended sculptural elements to bring the walls and poetry to life. Two of the words most repeated throughout the installation are love and mercy (aeshq and rahmah). These two words not only have graceful calligraphic qualities but also are the foundation of successful personal and societal relationships.

There is a background of Iranian contemporary music by the Persian Maestro Bijan Mortazavi, one of the most prominent musicians, violinists, and song-writers residing in the United States. A music as powerful as the lyrics. The recitation of the poems is in English and Persian in Fariba Abedin’s voice.

Houston’s Featured Geometric Artist- Fariba Abedin

iamhoustontheseries @ Silver Street Studios


In this IamHoustontheSeries, featured Geometric Artist Fariba Abedin describes her connection to Art, expression of joy through painting and inspiring gratitude and happiness through colors.


VoyageHouston Magazine Presents ‘Life and Work with Fariba Abedin’

Life and Work with Fariba Abedin
fariba abedin geometric art
Houston Artist: Fariba Abedin

VoyageHouston Magazine’s Exclusive Interview with Fariba Abedin


Today we’d like to introduce you to Fariba Abedin.


Thanks for sharing your story with us Fariba. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I was born and raised in Iran, and I studied Math in high school.  I moved to the United States for continuing education in the late seventies and studied architecture for undergrad, and science in graduate school. I was always interested in painting from young age all the way through college. I moved to Houston in 1983 and continued studying painting and sculpture at Glassell School of Art, MFAH. I painted in many different styles during the last thirty-five years, till I was drawn back to Math, Architecture and Geometric Abstraction, since 2010.

Read Full Interview

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